Creative Writing Seminars


Creative Writing MFA-level style courses taught by a university instructor

My seminars are not just another writing course. They are designed to replicate the rigorous and immersive experience of MFA courses in Creative Writing at universities. You will delve deep into texts, exploring form, narrative, and technique. The syllabi and intense reading schedules will push you to grow as a writer and reader, providing a unique learning experience.

Flexibility is key to my seminar offerings. Whether you prefer a full-semester (13-week) or a shorter minimester (5-weeks), there’s an option that suits your schedule. Both options focus on the craft of writing, using texts and generative exercises to enhance your skills.

So, if you have been interested in getting an MFA experience without going into debt, quitting your job, or moving to a new state, or if you would love to be in a classroom setting to learn, you can now take a graduate-level-type course without the grades and final seminar project. Get the instruction and deep study without the high cost and added pressure of earning a degree. My seminars are designed to provide the intensive study of narrative without the stress, allowing you to focus on your craft and how it can inform your own work.

The seminars I teach are built around independent study in “Voice in your Education” within a community/cohort of other writers committed to rigor, curiosity, and investigation. You are expected to put in the hard work of self-study and bring insights and questions to the community.

An undergraduate degree and previous graduate work or degree are not required.

Not ready to commit to taking a full seminar? My independent study program offers the perfect solution. Learn more about this opportunity.

**These seminars are not connected to a university or MFA program, nor are they credited. Taking these seminars will not lead you to an MFA degree or certificate. They are for personal study only.

“Reading widely makes you a livelier, richer person and that would feed into your writing” –Lisel Mueller

How It Works

No admissions testing/No application/No writing sample required. These entirely virtual courses are for writers at all levels (and you might not even consider yourself a writer but are interested in the deep study of text).
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This program is informal, outside academia, and therefore not subject to bureaucracy. This program does not lead to credits or a degree, but it is designed to align with the same rigor and study as a graduate-level course.

And by taking one of the courses, you gain access to an editor and coach who cares about you and wants to see you thrive and grow as a writer. Learn more about my editing and coaching and the ways we can work together.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.



13-Week Seminars – $1800; payment plan option $600/month over 3 months  

5-Week Minimester – $750; payment plan option of $150/week over 5 weeks

Payment plans are available for all courses.

Not ready to commit to taking a full seminar?

My independent study program offers the perfect solution. Learn more about this opportunity.

2024-25 MFA-like Creative Writing Courses:

August – October
(13-week seminar)
Writing Grief

August 25
(2-hour online workshop)
Creative Nonfiction Workshop: Between Narrative and Form in Memoir

January – February, 2025
(5-week minimester)
The Personal and Intergenerational Narrative

2024 MFA-like Creative Writing Courses:

August – October
(13-week seminar)
Writing Grief

August 25
(2-hour workshop)
Creative Nonfiction Workshop: Between Narrative and Form in Memoir

Nov – Dec
(5-week minimester)
The Personal and Intergenerational Narrative

August – October
(13-week seminar)
Writing Grief

August 25
(2-hour workshop)
Creative Nonfiction Workshop: Between Narrative and Form in Memoir

Nov – Dec
(5-week minimester)
The Personal and Intergenerational Narrative

Culture is lost when we neglect to tell our stories, when we forget the power and craft of storytelling” –Deborah A. Miranda

Studies in Creative Nonfiction: Writing Grief 

In this course, we will examine creative nonfiction narratives that push into and circle around grief and loss. We will study how the stories emerge and how the loss is revealed.

August – October 2024 (13-week seminar)

August 8 – October 31, 2024

Creative Nonfiction Workshop: Between Narrative and Form in Memoir

In this workshop, we will examine how form plays a critical role in the creation and reading of Bad Indians by Deborah A. Miranda.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

10 am PST/1 pm EST
Duration: 2 hours
Online: Zoom

Studies in Creative Nonfiction: The Personal and Intergenerational Narrative

This course will examine the interconnection of personal, familial, and ancestral narratives. We will discuss how stories do not need to follow a linear structure and that circular/spiral retelling often aligns more with the interconnection between stories

January – February 2025  (5-week minimester)

Tuesday Course

January 14 – February 11

Thursday Course

January 16 – February 13

How It Works

No admissions testing/No application/No writing sample required. These entirely virtual courses are for writers at all levels (and you might not even consider yourself a writer but are interested in the deep study of text).
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This program is informal, outside academia, and therefore not subject to bureaucracy. This program does not lead to credits or a degree, but it is designed to align with the same rigor and study as a graduate-level course.

And by taking one of the courses, you gain access to an editor and coach who cares about you and wants to see you thrive and grow as a writer. Learn more about my editing and coaching and the ways we can work together.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.



Payment plans are available for all courses.

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13-Week Seminars – $1800; payment plan option $600/month over 3 months  (includes 2 FREE 1-hour coaching sessions)

5-Week Minimester – $750; payment plan option of $150/week over 5 weeks  (includes 1 FREE 1-hour coaching session)

2-Week Intensive – $400; payment plan option of $200/week over 2 weeks


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